Time - Talent - Treasure

Run By: Mission Pay Back To Society, Ghaziabad(UP)

A brief history of Mission Pay Back to Society, Ghaziabad (UP)
01 - It was the year 2015 when twelve eminent and high profile govt officers and academicians deliberated upon engaging their passion in the field of education for the upliftment of youths from the marginalized sections of the society living in deprivation and poverty in remote rural areas. A collective social action propelled registration of “Mission Pay Back to Society” on 11th Aug, 2015. An all round development of the young rural talent to such a level that they secure their place in the elite services of the country like IAS/PCS and others was set the main objective of the trust.

02 - Trust’s Website: https://www.mpbsindia.org

Dr. Ambedkar Academy, Jindal Nagar, Ghaziabad (UP)
03 - Located on NH 09 (approx 15 Km from Ghaziabad City), Dr. Ambedkar Academy was established on a plot of land measuring 5,000 m2 at Masauta link road, Jindal Nagar, Ghaziabad (UP) on December 25, 2016 under the aegis of the MISSION PAY BACK TO SOCIETY Trust with its objective to provide job-oriented coaching to young talented youths from poor socio-economic background for their future career in various govt. services. It is a residential coaching-cum self-study centre raised amidst the nature that provides services/facilities like fully furnished hostel accommodation for 50 students with suitable academic climate, coaching classes and guidance by experts, modern library equipped with dedicated uninterrupted internet services, paid online coaching packages on various subjects, 24 hour electricity and water supply and fully equipped operational mess, huge conference hall equipped with a projection system and audio visual aids, office complex, play ground, lawns, picturesque lush green plantation with flower beds in between, swimming pool, Buddha Vandana Sthal, double storey guest house cum Trust office etc. Coaching of the first batch commenced in the same year. As a policy, no contribution is being received from any political organization/party. So far around 70 alumni of Dr. Ambedkar Academy have been selected in diverse service sectors.
Savitri Bai Phule Academy, Kaushambi, Ghaziabad (UP)
04 - Since Dr Ambedkar Academy is located far away from the main city, keeping the safety of the female candidates in view, provision for their coaching could not be arranged in the same premises. However, to meet the increasing demand of the female aspirants for Civil Services and other competitive examinations and for their empowerment in tune with the basic principles enunciated by Gautam Buddha, Jyoti Rao Phule, Savitri Bai Phule, Baba Saheb Dr. Ambedkar and Naraiana Guru, Savitri Bai Phule Academy was set up in March 2019 for women candidates at Sanghmitra Bauddh Vihar, Kaushambi, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. It is located in a thickly populated area on Delhi UP border. The Trust had also arranged free hostel accommodation for the women candidates in the nearby gated residential complex. The academy has been equipped with a good library, internet services, the best teaching faculty and other essential facilities. Coaching was provided exclusively for Civil Services Examination. Due to proximity to Delhi the girls from Delhi NCR were also admitted in the Academy as day scholars. However, during Covid-19 pandemic, the Trust had to face a lot of difficulties and after two academic sessions, it had to be closed temporarily. Some of the talented girls who undertook coaching at this academy are in the advance phases of their career progression and a few of them have already secured jobs in various govt departments.

शिक्षा फैलाएँ चहुं ओर , चलें गाँव की ओर
Shiksha failayen chahun or, chalen gaon ki or

05 - It is the fact that talent hidden in the remote rural areas has always remained unexplored and unexploited. Since the main aim of the Trust is to outreach the talented lot of the society and bring them at par with their urban counterparts and now the campaign of the Trust is शिक्षा फैलाएँ चहुं ओर, चलें गाँव की ओर (Shiksha failayen chahun or, chalen gaon ki or). Education is the most potential tool for the upliftment of the rural poor which have been deprived of the basic human needs like education, employment and health for the ages and there has hardly been any change in their condition till date. Jyotiba Rao Phule, Baba Saheb Dr. B R Ambedkar and Periyar Rama Swami Naickar, Narain Guru and many other bahujan intellectuals have enunciated the importance of education. In this direction, the Trust has planned for establishment of Coaching –cum- Career Guidance Centres with good libraries facilities equipped with the latest books, newspapers, magazines and internet facilities in the remote rural areas in coordination with the local populace.
Library-cum-Career Guidance Centre, Khaimavati , Ghaziabad (UP)
06 - On 3rd July, 2022, a library equipped with all necessary books and magazines for competitive examinations, newspapers, internet and other allied facilities was opened at village Khaimavati in Ghaziabad district. The inauguration function was attended by around 150 personnel and the students from the nearby area along with a team of Mission Pay Back to Society members. On the occasion Shri Narender Singh, DIG, ITBP addressed the students and told them about the role of career guidance alongwith the importance of formal education. In his deliberations, Dr Raj Kumar from Delhi University expressed his gratitude to our forefathers as it had been because of their sacrifices that we were educated and sitting here. Dr. Om Prakash, Principal at Ravali Kala Inter College said that education is the basis on which we can strengthen ourselves, our society and the nation. He assured all sorts of help to the students and appealed not to drop education in the middle of the session. Mr Brahmadev, a teacher at K N Inter College and dignitaries also addressed the gathering and the importance of education was explained. Enthusiasm amongst the students was unprecedented.
Inauguration Ceremony of Savitri Bai Phule Academy, Paschim Gaon, Raebareli (UP) : Highlights
07 - To make the campaign शिक्षा फैलाएँ चहुं ओर, चलें गाँव की ओर (‘Shiksha failayen chaun or, chalen gaon ki or’) a reality, Savitri Bai Phule Academy equipped with a good library and all allied facilities was established at village Paschim Gaon of Raebareli district of Uttar Pradesh on 11th September, 2022 under the aegis of “Mission Pay Back To Society, Ghaziabad”. Approx 150 personnel including the important people from the adjoining areas, Lucknow, Ghaziabad (11 members of the trust with its Chairman Shri J C Adarsh with family and media persons (Para (c) & (d) of Annexure – I) attended the inaugural function. List attached at Annexure – I. The list is not exhaustive.
08 - Shri J C Adarsh, the Chairman of the Trust with his family members reached there a few days early for making arrangements for the inaugural function. The function was presided over by Shri Udai Pratap IPS, DIG (Retd). Padam Shri Dr S N Kureel, Paediatric Surgeon was the Chief Guest, Mr Rameshwar Dayal, IPS, Addl DG Police and Dr Chitra Suresh, Dy Director, UPMACM, Lucknow were the Special Guests and Prof Raj Kumar, Delhi University was the Chief Speaker on the occasion. The proceedings of the programme were conducted by Dr Virender Singh, Assistant Commissioner, GST (Retd), Greater Noida.
09 - Other dignitaries present in the inaugural function were Prof Dr.Anand Swarup, Ex Principal, GSV Medical College, Kanpur and renowned Orthopedic Surgen, Dr, S C Kaushal , Chief Medical Supdt and Actg Principal, Medical College, Sultanpur, Prof Dr. M P Singh, Baba Saheb Bhim Rao Ambedkar University, Lucknow, Prof dr. Suresh Babu, King George Medical University, Lucknow, Shri C L Shekhar, PCS (Retd), Lucknow, Shri C L Kureel, PCS (Retd), Lucknow,Shri Indrabhan , Chief Engineer, Irrigation (Retd), Dr. Naushad, Kasia Kushinagar and others.. A list containing the names of people who attended the programme is enclosed at Annexure - I. The list is not exhaustive.
10 - Savitri Bai Phule Academy, Paschim Gaon, Raebareli was inaugurated by the Chief Guest, Padam Shri Dr. S. N. Kureel. Thereafter, the programme started with the introduction of the members of the Mission who were present at the function by Dr Virender Singh, Asst Commissioner, Greater Noida.
11 - Shri Hukum Singh, Sr. Vice Chairman of the Mission briefly introduced “Mission Pay Back to Society, Ghaziabad”, its aims and objectives and the achievements made so far. He narrated that on 25th December, 2014 four friends assembled at Ghaziabad and took an oath that they should do something special in the field of education on ground. Thereafter, search for a group leader and other members started and a 12 member group was formed and constituted a Trust ‘Mission Pay Back to Society’ under the Chairmanship of Shri J C Adarsh to work in the field of education. The Trust was registered on 11 Aug 2015. Subsequently, with the liberal contribution from the members of the trust and other missionaries a plot of land measuring 5,000 m2 was purchased and registered in the name of the Trust in Feb 2016 and a building for an academy was constructed. Thus Dr. Ambedkar Academy, Ghaziabad (UP), a residential self study - cum - coaching centre for Civil Services and SSC/CGL etc examination for male students came into existence. In the beginning, six month sessions commenced and subsequently, its duration was increased to one year. He further told about the recently developed career guidance centre cum modern library at village Khaimavati (Ghaziabad) and other up-coming guidance centres and libraries at Purdil Nagar, Hathras and Manikpur, Pratapgarh and Savitri Bai Phule Academy, Paschim Gaon, we are inaugurating today.
12 - In the opening address, the Chairman of the Trust Shri J C Adarsh highlighted the importance of education and said that today’s genesis goes down to the day when 12 like minded colleagues gathered and decided to do something special in the field of education. In the beginning we started from the city conglomeration and now we are proceeding towards villages where we are getting overwhelming response and everybody is excited to help and take the project further. He was highly indebted to Janab Wazid Ali who accepted the proposal of the Trust and instantly agreed to provide his accommodation to house Savitri Bai Phule Academy. He compared him with Fatima Sheikh and her brother Usman Sheikh who provided their land and accommodation for opening schools by Savitri Bai Phule and Jyoti Rao Phule in the year 1848 and extended full help and support in teaching the children as well. At Paschim Gaon, Mr Shubbu, the nephew of Janab Wazid Ali has also extended his full support and cooperation in getting the accommodation for Savitri Bai Phule Academy furnished in a record time. The contributions of the village Pradhan Mr Abdur Rahman, ex- pradhan Mr. Ram Autar and Mr Ram Baran, ex-Accountant, Pashchim Gaon had been commendable. He also expressed his sincere thanks to Mr Ram Dayal for taking over the task of supervising and handling the arrangements and to Shri Dharmendra for arranging students and faculty for the Academy. The Chairman declared that their campaign “शिक्षा फैलाएँ चहुं ओर, चलें गाँव की ओर” (“Shiksha failayen chahun or, chalen gaon ki or”) had already started from Khimawati Village in Ghaziabad district of U.P. The Paschim Gaon project had been the second one and the others were to follow.
13 - On the occasion, Janab Wazid Ali who has leased the accommodation for housing the Academy spoke well with an assurance of rendering all possible help to the project. He said that they were lucky to receive such a large number of dignitaries in this village for the first time. He said that the project would help develop the area educationally and the children of the area would get benefitted a lot. Shri Ram Autar, ex- Village Pradhan also spoke on the occasion. Acharya Deva Nand Shastri, Principal, Junior High School, Deva Kheda spoke on the occasion and narrated his life history of extreme poverty when he himself as a student had to polish for 3 years to earn his family’s livelihood but didn’t give up his studies. It was by the grace of Baba Saheb that he was a poet, singer and principal at a primary school. He sang a self composed beautiful song on education which had left an everlasting motivational effect on the students and his melodious voice kept echoing in the ears of the audience for quite some time. A few lines of his song are reproduced below for reference to the readers.
शिक्षा से सम्मान मिलता, शिक्षा से सद्ज्ञान है । शिक्षा है सद्गुण की जननी, शिक्षा से पहचान है । । ज्ञान बिना पशुवत सा जीवन, ज्ञान बिन अँधियार है । ज्ञान से किस्मत चमकती, ज्ञान से संसार है । ।
He praised the efforts of Mission Pay Back to Society, Ghaziabad in poetic fervor as indicated here under:
पे बॅक टु सोसाइटी मिशन को, हम सब रखेंगे ध्यान में । अधिगम सफर जारी रखेंगे, अब हम भी अपने गाँव में।। समझा जो शिक्षा का मतलब वही तो विद्वान है । एक नया इतिहास रचेंगे मिला जो ये संस्थान है । ।
In the last he motivated the students by quoting the line. “झील का पानी नहीं दरिया का पानी बनो, जिधर से जाओगे रास्ता स्वयं हो जाएगा ।“and requested Shri J C Adarsh to open a similar Academy in his village Garhee, Manikpur, which they would be taking care of.
14 - The famous bahujan poet and singer Mr Vishal Ghazipuri was also present on the occasion. He sang a self composed beautiful song on bahujan pride with such a vigour and enthusiasm that the audience got mesmerized. A few lines of his song are reproduced below:

अब की वरस आजादी,
कुछ ऐसे चलो मनाएँ ।
किसी भूखे को खिलाएँ,
किसी प्यासे को पिलाएँ ।
नफरत की आँधिऑ से,
अपना वतन बचाएं ।
यह देश है हमारा,
सब अपने देशवासी।
फिर क्यों कोई बिहारी,
क्यों कोई मद्रासी ।।

15 - Ms Tanvi Adarsh, a Research Scholar at Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida, Gautam Buddh Nagar and an eloquent speaker, mesmerized and motivated the students with her fiery short speech explaining the process of effective preparation for a competitive examination. Based on her knowledge and experience of UPSC interview along with her exposure in NITI Aayog Social Justice and Empowerment vertical, she promised to extend all sorts of help and support she could to the young aspirants.
16 - Shri Rameshwar Dayal, IPS, Addl DG Police (Retd), motivated the students by quoting his personal example. He was not a brilliant student yet he could get selected as an IPS officer through motivation, proper guidance and systematic hard work. Mission Pay Back to Society is doing a great work in this direction and we all must come forward to support it whole heartedly.
17 - Dr Raj Kumar, the chief speaker on the occasion highlighted the importance of education and told that in the field of education, our forefathers were on the top of the world as they owned around twenty universities, namely Nalanda, Takahashila, Vikramshila, Vallabhi, Jagaddala etc wherein students from all over the world used to come to study. It was the period when India was the ‘vishvaguru’ in the field of education. He mentioned about the sacrifices of Jyoti Rao Phule, Savitri Bai Phule and Fatima Sheikh for opening schools for girls and imparting education to them in the most disadvantageous situations and now we have reached to the present situation when we are opening schools even in the remote villages. He mentioned that education is required not only for earning livelihood beside it has got other important dimensions as well and plays the most important role in the life of a person. Phule couple didn’t have a child of their own. Jyotiba Rao Phule turndown the proposal of their parents for getting remarried rather the couple had adopted a child born to a widow and named him Jashwant. They devoted their entire life in providing education to the common and poor people. When Hunter Commission came to India in 1882, Jyoti Rao Phule appealed for a free and compulsory primary education to all. His contemporary bahujan intellectuals from other provinces in India had also understood the importance of education and had opened schools for the masses. Sahuji Maharaj went a step further and opened residential schools even for higher classes. Krishna Raj Vadiyar IV, king of Mysore who was a bahujan king also started residential schools and donated a hefty amount to BHU and was appointed the first Honourary Chancellor of this university. Now at the University raised with the help of bahujan king is involved in caste based decimation with the bahujan students and teachers. King Vadiyar IV also established Mysore University during his regime. When our forefathers could do such great things at that time why can’t we do now. Therefore, it becomes our prerogative to pay back to society. It shouldn’t be a one-time payment rather, we must donate regularly and it must be made as the way of life by the majority of the people rather than by a limited number of people. In this direction, a hidden revolution is underway and we all must be a part of it.
18 - Prof Dr Suresh Babu, Dr Chitra Suresh also spoke on the occasion and highlighted the importance and the significant role being played by the Mission Pay Back to Society in spreading education to the remote areas by opening career guidance and learning centres with the required facilities which one can’t even dream of. She stressed on imparting effective education/coaching to to the coming generation, the real harbingers of change.
19 - Dr Chitra Suresh, also spoke on the occasion and highlighted the importance and the significant role being played by the Mission Pay Back to Society in spreading education to the remote areas by opening career guidance and learning centres with the required facilities which one can’t even dream of. She stressed on imparting effective education/coaching to to the coming generation, the real harbingers of change.
20 - Padam Shri Dr. S N Kureel, a world renowned pediatric surgeon and the Chief Guest of the Programme also spoke on the occasion. He mentioned that he was invited for a talk at Harward University but couldn’t go due to Corona pandemic. He motivated the student by quoting the example of Aruna Sinha who despite of having a defective leg could reach the top of the Everest then why can’t you do that? It is the will power and motivation that can help anybody to reach the top. “लहरों से डरके नौका पार नहीं होती । “Bahujan society is just like a child of an elephant tied with a peg which has now grown to a complete young elephant but is not aware of his actual strength. If he applies a little force, the peg will come out and nobody will be able to stop him. Hence, it is high time to recognize one’s strength. He took another example of an ant. Despite of its repeated falls, it succeeds to reach its destination because of its will power and motivation. He further intimated that a study carried out at Harward University has proved that whatever aim you fix for a child at the age of 3 and repeatedly remind him of the same, in 90% cases it has been proved that he or she becomes what you intended him to become? Therefore, we must inculcate in the minds of young children from the age of 2 that he should become a ruler. He said that we are 12 crores bahujan population in U P and, even if only one crore people come together; they can bring revolution. World is changing at a very fast pace and the future of education rests with multimedia digital technology through which the best guidance available in the world could be made accessible. With an increase in the cost of education and it is becoming beyond the reach of a common man, thus multimedia digital technology is the answer to receive best education available on the world platform. He requested the Chairman of the Mission Pay Back to Society to take due cognizance of the issue.
21 - The programme was concluded with a vote of thanks from the presiding officer of the programme, Shri Udai Pratap. He said “हम अकेले ही चले थे जानिब ए मंजिल मगर, लोग साथ आते गए और कारवां बनता गया।" In the beginning only a few people came together at Ghaziabad and today, the Carvan has reached Pashchim Gaon with a sizeable number of people supporting it we are grateful to them all. We are hopeful of taking it to the national level in the near future. But there is a need of social integration for its success and success of similar programmes. Even after implementation of Constitution of India wef 26th January, 1950 and India becoming a Republic Country, nothing has changed. We are still struggling for our basic rights. We need to understand the reality on ground. Even New Education Policy 2020 will not come to our rescue. There is need of sizeable number of NGOs to come forward to provide quality education to the children. There is a lot of difference in American and Indian standard of education. We have to see where we stand and in which areas are we lagging behind. Mission Pay Back to Society is also stressing on personality development without which it may not be possible for an adult to cope up with this fast changing competitive world. He advised to hold group discussion and logical argument and know one’s inner self. Trends are changing in almost all the exams every year. Therefore, the students are to share the problem with the representatives of Mission Pay Back To society to get it solved on Priority. In his words, "Sharing is caring. If you share we will care. If you don’t share, we are unaware. If we are unaware, we will not sort out your problem and that will remain a problem and will give you a damage and damage control cannot be carried out”. The glimpses of the function are at Annexure - II.
Why at Paschim Gao?
22 - The journey to reach the culmination of this project has been quite interesting, time consuming and a lot of experience gained which is going to help in undertaking other similar projects. The location of the project was chosen by the Chairman of the trust in an area which was new to him. He is stationed at Greater Noida from where he had to travel to Lucknow 7 times and every time he had to stay back there to meet different people, to visit different locations and to arrange accommodation for the Academy. There have been three different parameters and each of them being quite diverse, one can understand, using a permutation combination as to how much effort might have gone into this exercise. Ultimately, he could finalize the present location on the main road and well connected with all the towns and major cities. The accommodation has been taken on lease courtesy, Janab Wazid Ali, Pashchim Gaon, who is a social worker and a businessman and thus could easily understand the importance of the social issue connected with education of the students for their career advancement and helped resolve it amicably. The Trust got it furnished with the help of local technicians to convert it into an Academy housing a class room to accommodate 50 students, a library and office space, separate toilets for boys and girls and one additional room for future plans. The accommodation has been taken on lease for 3 years, in the beginning and the lease would be extended subsequently.
Provisions at Savitri Bai Phule Academy, Paschim Gaon
23 - At the Academy coaching for SSC/CGL, railway, banking etc examinations will be provided. Initially around twenty 23 students were enrolled leaving a scope for additional 25 students or so. Some of these students are commuting to the Academy from the villages situated upto 10 km away from the Academy to attend classes there. Initially, only three teachers for teaching Mathematics, Reasoning and General Awareness could be arranged and subsequently an English teacher was also made available. The Chairman, Shri J C Adarsh and Shri Bhagwan Singh stayed back after the inauguration ceremony and got the started formal classes started wef 13 September, 2022. They supervised the teaching class of each and every teacher and rendered guidance to them. Mr Bhagwan Singh also taught the students a few concepts in mathematics and offered certain problem solving tips. To look after the day to day functions of the Academy, Shri Chhotey Lal, an ex-serviceman has been appointed as Manager on liberal terms of contract. He is regularly providing live video of the classes in progress. Shri J C Adarsh, the Chairman of the Trust would continue his regular visit to the Academy and monitor its progress.
We are indebted
24 - We are grateful to Mrs Neelam Bauddh of NB News 24x7 and her husband Advocate Jaibhim Prakash who travelled to this far off place from Delhi and gave a wide coverage to the entire programme systematically and uploaded on U-Tube at no cost. We are also thankful to the famous bahujan poet and singer Vishal Ghazipuri for entertaining the audience with his motivational song in his melodious voice. We are highly indebted to Pro Dr. Suresh Babu for distributing his book “भारत में सामाजिक परिवर्तन के बहुजन महानाइक” to the audience to suit the occasion. We are also grateful to Mrs Urmila Singh and Dr. S R Singh, Lucknow for their generous contribution for this social cause though despite their strong desire they could not attend the inaugural function as the latter was unwell.

Annexure - I

List of Participants who attended Savitri Bai Phule Academy inauguration Ceremony at Paschim Gaon, Raebareli, on 11th September, 2022. The list is not exhaustive.

(a) Local People
  1. Janab Wajid Ali, Paschim Gaon, Social Worker and a Businessman
  2. Shri Vishwanath Prasad, Social Worker
  3. Shri Abdul Rahman, Pradhan, Paschim Gaon
  4. Shri Ram Baran, Accountant, ITI (Retd) Paschim Gaon
  5. Shri Ram Autar, ex- Village Pradhan.
  6. Shri Virendra Kumar, Principal, Gurbaksh Ganj
  7. Shri Ram Prasad, Social Worker
  8. Shri Hari Prasad, Social Worker, Kaluee Kheda
  9. Shri Ram Kumar Yadav, Jal Nigam Vibhag (retired)
  10. Shri Deshraj, Principal, Lalganj
  11. Shri Jagannath Prasad, Teacher, Hulas Kheda
  12. Shri Ram Naresh, Pradhan Bannawa
  13. Shri Niranjan Lal, Lab Technician SCPGI Lucknow, Paschim Gaon
  14. Shri Barati Lal, Lab Technician, Garib Kheda, Paschim Gaon
  15. Shri Raj Kumar, Lab Technician, SGPGI, Paschim Gaon
  16. Shri Dev Anand, Teacher, Deva Kheda
  17. Shri Janab Aslam, Teacher (retired) , Johwa Hisar
  18. Shri Chhanga Lal Chaurasiya, Businessman, Tent House, Paschim Gaon
  19. Shri Matadeen, Caterer, Ggram Shekhadi
  20. Shri Sanjay, Carpenter, Garib Kheda
  21. Shri Pradeep, Carpenter, Garib Kheda
  22. Dr Ashok Saroj, Primary Health centre, Paschim Gaon
  23. Shri Ram Dayal – Programme Manager
  24. Shri Dharmendra Kumar- helped in searching Faculty and students.

(b) Special Invitees from Lucknow and adjoining areas.
  1. Shri Rameshwar Dayal, IPS Additional DG Police (Retd).
  2. Shri Udai Pratap, IPS DIG (Retd), Lucknow
  3. Padam Shri Dr SN Kureel, King George Medical University, Lucknow
  4. Dr. Chitra Suresh Senior Gynecologist, Dy Director UPSACS, Lucknow
  5. Shri CL Shekhar, PCS (Retd), Lucknow.
  6. Shri Indrabhan, Chief Engineer Irrigation (Retd), Lucknow
  7. Prof Dr. Anand Swarup, Joint & Spine Specialist, ex-HOD & PrincipalGSVMMedical College Kanpur and owner of HLC Hospital, South City, Lucknow.
  8. Prof Dr. Suresh Babu, King George Medical University, Lucknow
  9. Shri C L Kureel, PCS (Retd), Lucknow.
  10. Shri Nand Kishore Dohare, Marketing Officer (Retd), Etawah.
  11. Dr S C Kaushal, Chief Medical Superintendent, Sultanpur & Acting Principle, Medical College, Sultanpur.
  12. Dr. Naushad Kasiya, Kushinagar, Social Activist
  13. Shri Ravindra Kumar, Area Rationing Officer, Bahraich
  14. Prof Dr. MP Singh Baba Saheb Bhim Rao Ambedkar University, Lucknow.
  15. Shri Chhattar Pal Singh, Dy SP(Retd), Indira Nagar, Lucknow
  16. Shri B P Hans, Manager Canara Bank (Retd).
  17. Shri Ram Kumar Verma, Personal Assistant. Lucknow Development Authority,Lucknow.
  18. Shri KNS Verma, Chief Ticket Inspector, Railways (Retd).
  19. Shri Nihit Shekhar, Director, MG Institute of Management & Technology,Lucknow
  20. Shri Om Pal, Social Activist, Bijnor.
  21. Shri Chhote Lal Verma, Army Medical Stores Officer(Retd), Unnao.
  22. Smt Urmila Shekhar
  23. Smt Chhaya Kaushal
  24. Smt Neetu Shekhar, Lucknow
  25. Shri Sudheer Singh Patel, Sultanpur

(c) Members of Mission Pay Back to Society from Ghaziabad who.
  1. Shri Hukam Singh
  2. Shri Bhagwan Singh
  3. Prof Raj Kumar
  4. Shri Omveer Singh
  5. Shri B B Singh
  6. Dr B B Sagar
  7. Shri Deo Mani Bharatiya
  8. Shri Virendra Singh
  9. Shri Hari Om,
  10. Dr R S Rao
  11. Shri Anil Kumar
  12. Shri J.C Adarsh
  13. Smt Sudha Aadarsh
  14. Dr Ritika
  15. Miss Tanvi Adarsh

(d) Group of NB News 24x7 U-tube Channel
  1. Smt Neelam Bauddh, Journalist
  2. Adv Jaibhim Prakash
  3. Vishal Ghazipuri, Poet and Singer

(e) Students
  1. Km Sushmita d/o Shri Ram Prasad
  2. Km Pooja d/o Shri Malhe Ram
  3. Km Vandana d/o Shri Akhilesh Kumar
  4. Km Chhaya d/o Shri Ram Kumar
  5. Km Poonam d/o Shri Dharmendra Kumar
  6. Km Reena d/o Shri Ram Vishwas
  7. Km Sonik d/o Shri Babu Lal
  8. Mr. Sujeet Kumar s/o Shri Ram Chandra
  9. Mr Shailesh Kumar s/o Shri Ram Prasad
  10. Mr Umesh s/o Shri Malhe Ram
  11. Mr Vijay s/o Shri Hans Raj
  12. Mr Akhilesh Chaudhary s/o Shri Akhilesh Kumar
  13. Mr Akash Bharati s/o Shri Ram Naresh

(f) Teaching Faculty
  1. Shri Anoop Verma
  2. Shri Ramashees
  3. Shri Yogendra Kushvaha

Annexure - II

Glimpses of the inaugural function of Savitri Bai Phule Academy, Paschim Gaon, Raebareli (UP) held on 11th Sept 2022.


Ph1. Savitri Bai Phule Academy, Paschim Gaon, Raebareli.(UP)


Ph2. At the Breakfast Table at Meera Bai Govt Guest House, Lucknow before proceeding for inaugural function at Savitri Bai Phule Academy, Paschim Gaon, Raebareli (UP)


Ph3. Front View (Entrance): Savitri Bai Phule Academy, Paschim Gaon, Raebareli (Academy at First Floor).


Ph4. Padam Shri Dr. S N Kureel, inaugurating Savitri Bai Phule Academy, Paschim Gaon, Raebareli. Sh JC Adarsh, Chairman, and other members of the Trust are also seen in the Picture.(Dr B B Sagar, Anil Kumar, Rameshwar Dayal, Udai Pratap, B B Singh, Dr Raj Kumar Hari Om…)


Ph5. Savitri Bai Phule Academy, Paschim Gaon, Raebareli (UP) inaugurated.


Ph6. Students of Savitri Bai Phule Academy, Paschim Gaon, Raebareli (UP)


Ph7. Lecture Hall: Savitri Bai Phule Academy, Paschim Gaon, Raebareli (UP)


Ph8. Savitri Bai Phule Academy, Paschim Gaon, Raebareli (UP) Library (Entrance).


Ph9. Savitri Bai Phule Academy, Paschim Gaon, Raebareli (UP) Library.


Ph10. Savitri Bai Phule Academy, Paschim Gaon, Raebareli (UP) Library


Ph11. The Chief Guest, the Chairman and other members inspecting Savitri Bai Phule Academy Library< Paschim Gaon, Raebareli (UP).


Ph12. Padam Shri Dr. S N Kureel, Pediatric Surgeon, King George Medical University, Lucknow, the Chief Guest being greeted by the Secretary of the Trust Shri Deo Mani Bhartiya.


Ph13. Dr. Virender Singh, the Chairman, Gautam Buddha Cultural and Wefare Trust, Greater Noida, Gautam Buddh Nagar and introducing the members of the Mission Pay Back to Society, Ghaziabad in attendance at the inaugural function of Savtri Bai Phule Academy, Paschim Gaon.


Ph14. Shri J C Adarsh, the Chairman of the Trust Mission Pay Back to Society, Ghaziabad: delivering opening Address and expressing gratitude to those who helped make the dream ‘शिक्षा फैलाएँ चहुं ओर, चलें गाँव की ओर’ a reality.


Ph15. Shri Hukum Singh Sr. Vice Chairman of the Trust giving a brief introduction of Mission Pay Back to Society, Ghaziabad and its aims and objectives.


Ph16. Janab Wajid Ali, a Social Worker and a Businessman, Paschim Gaon, who has provided his commercial accommodation for Savitri Bai Phule Academy, Paschim Gaon, Raebareli (UP) addressing the gathering.


Ph17. Acharya Deva Nand Shastri, Principal, Junior High School, Deva Kheda, Raebareli (UP) and a poet addressing the gathering at the inaugural function of Savitri Bai Phule Academy, Paschim Gaon, Raebareli (UP).


Ph18. Bahujan Poet Vishal Ghazipuri won the heart of the audience at Savitri Bai Phule Academy, Paschim Gaon, Raebareli (UP) Inaugural Function.


Ph19. Prof Dr. Suresh Babu, King George Medical University, Lucknow addressing the gathering at the Inaugural Function of Savitri Bai Phule Academy, Paschim Gaon, Raebareli (UP).


Ph20. Miss Tanvi Adarsh, a Research Scholar at Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida, Gautam Buddh Nagar sharing her experience to the students at Savitri Bai Phule Academy inaugural Function at Paschim Gaon, Raebareli (UP).


Ph21. Dr. Mrs Chitra Suresh, Sr. Gynecologist, Dy Director UPSACS, Lucknow addressing the gathering at Savitri Bai Phule Academy, Paschim Gaon, Raebareli (UP) inaugural Function.


Ph22. Prof Raj Kumar, Delhi University, the Chief Speaker addressing the gathering at Savitri Bai Phule Academy, Paschim Gaon, Raebareli (UP) inaugural Function.


Ph23. Padam Shri Dr. S N Kureel, Pediatric Surgeon, King George Medical University, Lucknow, the Chief Guest addressing the gathering at Savitri Bai Phule Academy, Paschim Gaon Raebareli (UP) inaugural Function.


Ph24. Shri Rameshwar Dayal, IPS, Addl DG Police (Retd) the Special Guest addressing the gathering at Savitri Bai Phule Academy, Paschim Gaon, inaugural function.


Ph25. Shri Udai Pratap, IPS, DIG (Retd) the Presiding Officer, addressing the gathering at Savitri Bai Phule Academy, Paschim Gaon, Raebareli (UP) Inaugural Function.


Ph26. A glimpse of the audiences at Savitri Bai Phule Academy inaugural Function at Paschim Gaon, Raebareli (UP)


Ph27. A glimpse of the audiences at Savitri Bai Phule Academy inaugural Function at Paschim Gaon, Raebareli (UP)A glimpse of the audiences at Savitri Bai Phule Academy inaugural Function at Paschim Gaon, Raebareli (UP)


Ph28. (L to R : Shri Hari Om, Dr Anad Swarup, Dr. Raj Kumar, Shri Bhagwan Singh, Dr. Virender Singh) At the inaugural function : Savitri Bai Phule Academy, Paschim Gaon, Raebareli (UP),


Ph29. Coaching class at the Savitri Bai Phule Academy, Paschim Gaon, Raebareli (UP) in progress.

Copyright 2020 reserved by Mission Pay Back Society, Ghaziabad